
10 Benefits of Walking
Walking is the easiest exercise. Anyone can make a regular habit of walking small and large. The question might arise There is so much walking for exercise Why is it important? Will naturally walk, and lively sense of wellness. There are also numerous benefits. Tesco to take a walk to the website on 10 health benefits of living in this report.

1. Heart healthy, beautiful life

Regular walking can reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke. Walking also lowers the body from the harmful cholesterol and good cholesterol eladiara HDR-of levels. In addition, the body's blood circulation is normal.

Stroke Association in the UK study, those who walk at least 30 minutes every day, can reduce their risk of high blood pressure. There are high blood pressure, their blood pressure is controlled. Besides the regular habit of walking up to 7 percent decline uccaraktacapajanita problem. As a result, lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Meanwhile, according to the American Heart Association, regular walking can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in the practice. To maintain blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of obesity, experts Heart Association has suggested a walk on a regular basis.

II. Wellness increase

Diabetes is a doctor who was walking on a regular basis. Of course, they get the benefit. It's fun to type two diabetes can reduce the risk. According to a report in the British Medical Journal, a regular walk up to 60 percent reduced risk of colon cancer and breast cancer. It is very good for health.

3. Weight control, exercise extraordinary

There are different ways to exercise to keep the weight under control. If you want to lose weight, but every day will burn 600 calories. Which is obtained from food calories a day more than. Weighing 60 kg at a speed of two miles per hour, 30-minute walk every day he was in the habit, you can then 75 calories. If you're used to walking at 3 miles per hour, you can burn up to 99 calories. Walk at a speed of 4 miles per hour, you can have more calories loss. The loss amount is 150 calories. Walk muscles of the body become more resilient.

4. Increases retention

The retention generally decreases with age. 65 or more in age 1 in every 14 people is amnesia. And 1 out of 6 people 80 or older memory loss disease occurs. Exercise increases blood circulation to the brain in a variety of regular exercise. This can reduce up to 40 percent risk of smrtihani. A UK study of adults who are at least 6 miles per week to walk the way memory is intact.

5. There is no risk of joint pain

Regular walking can reduce the risk of pain in the joints of the body. The bones of the body, usually older women, and the junction with the pain. Walking is undoubtedly a very effective exercise to keep the body healthy jayentaguloke.

6. Increases leg strength

Your feet can not walk anulerao exercise power increases. In addition, due to the movements of the waist and the other organs of the body is naturally healthy.

7. Increases muscle

Do not just walk away, his hands and feet to the beat. Each joint of the hand, neck and shoulder exercises. Byakapeinera problem can be reduced by regular exercise.

8. Vitamin D

The light of day, especially in the morning when you walk in the habit of vitamin D on the body became rich. Vitamin D is found in very small amounts from the diet. University of California breast cancer in 4 of the 443 people studied the effect of vitamin D in the body. It has been shown that adequate vitamin D is at least twice as much time compared to others struggling with the disease can survive.

According to researchers, vitamin D activates other cells in the communication system. The cancer cells can not spread easily anyakose. Walking for exercise may be better.

9. Resilient body and mind

Nature has already bland morning. During the walk is amazing. Naturally breezy time to enjoy the beauty of nature is mind, the body and the mind is fresh. Each joint of the body loose and relaxed muscles are pranaprabahe oxygen.

10. Happiness pratiksana

Regular practice of walking, their partner does not lack. He shared moments of joy with one another. Manasikacapa and social sphere as well as the impact of rising tension began to decline.

A University of California study, regular walking, to keep it free himself from feelings of loneliness. In addition, 83 percent of people surveyed said that the mood of the regular habit of walking is easy to keep under control. It is good for mental health.

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