Kadura 6 Wonderful Health Benefits!(health tips)

Maintain a popular tarakarikadu eat honor of our country in particular his circumcision. Maintain the same time is a delicious and nutritious vegetable. Broth, labara, vegetarian, fried or salad can be eaten as is the tarakariprati kadute 100 grams, karbohaidreta .5 grams, 02 grams of protina, phyata 0.6 grams, 6 grams of vitamin-si, calcium - 0 mg., 10 mg phosphorus., patasiyama 87 mg., 02 mg nicotinic acid .. Kadute also contains mineral salt, vitamins B-1, B-II, Iron.
The importance of each of the circumcised him, infinite dignity. To understand some of the benefits of kadura said.
1. Heat stroke risk kameh
Maintain the water is a key component of the playing Maintain body is cold. Those who work regularly in the light of the sun or the heat of long-playing curry Maintain body of work is quite cold and discomfort inside the body begin to decline. Because of the heat from the body much of the water that goes out to meet Maintain the left. As a result, heat stroke can reduce the risk.
II. Helps digestion: -
There are plenty of soluble fiber and adrabaniya kadute. Soluble fiber helps to digest the food easier to digest and helps solve all the problems. Maintain regular acidity and constipation also played solve problems. Piles insoluble fiber helps to reduce the problem.
3. Skin well: -
Kadute natural proteins and vitamins. Maintain regular eating habits so it is like the skin from within. Oily skin, oily skin problems are also greatly decreases their Maintain plays. Maintain constipation also clear the stomach is removed. As a result, decreased significantly in the face of pimples.
4. Istenjara reduce burning
Kadute There are plenty of water. So those who have problems with urine or burning urination yellow Maintain should eat them regularly. Maintain regular playing away from such issues can be found at
5. To lose weight: -
If you've been thinking about losing weight, eating a low-calorie rakhunakadu Maintain a complete diet. Kadura 96% of the dietary fiber and very low in calories galore panikadute, which is very helpful to reduce weight. So, who are thought to lose weight, they eat more Maintain. If fewer calories will be added to the body and fill petao.

6. Panisunyata away: -
Fever, diarrhea and other diseases of the body of water scarcity. Plenty of water to come out of the water and the vacuum effect on the kidney. Maintain plenty of playing time, so this kind of disease is eliminated Panisunyata the body and the body is fresh.
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