Keep control of diabetes and blood pressure, fasting

Do you know of fasting for health scientists have some good news. If you have diabetes and fasting raktacapaniyantrane. That will reduce your obesity. Let's see, we do not know the benefits of fasting ...
1. Obese people have a lot of people surfing for action: For additional meal. So Islam is not in favor of taking excessive eating.
As a result of the accumulation of fat in the body can take a lot of extra food, and the body becomes abnormally thick, which disrupted normal life yapanake.
The fat under the skin, nerves, veins and even the heart may be submitted. Because the body can not make normal blood flow.
But fasted body fat accumulation in the body are used as a result of the normal flow of blood. However, all patients must eat a light meal breaks and seharite.
II. Fast, high blood pressure, heart disease, and asthma for patients upakarih harmful fats in the blood levels decreased as a result of fasting. As a result, lowers the risk of heart disease. If fasting is to release stress hormones as a result of lower resistance to diseases and disease is increased.
As a result, inner turmoil and anxiety can be reduced fasting, increased attention, it is very good for high blood pressure patients. Fasting is quite beneficial for most asthma patients.
3. Rojah for diabetes patients that are trying to control diabetes, diabetes is very important for them to keep Reza. However, keep in mind that they do not become glaisemiya haipo.
They've been receiving more insulin during the two fasted is best to consult a doctor.
4. For patients with ulcer patients fasted alasare rojah a lot of time can be seen in it. Some may be a problem. However, the practice of fasting depends on them.
5. We know that smoking is harmful to health by reducing smoking prepares Ramadan. Everyone knows that in the current era. Smoking is banned in Islam long before the invention of science.
Lung cancer may be due to smoking. If all the people that it can refrain from fasting. Smoke could be called a boycott of the month of Ramadan is the best time.
According to the researchers, additional food supplies throughout the year, worthless, adulterated food intake, etc., biological toxins are stored in our body it seriously harmful to the body.
If we are fasting for a full month, then the poison out of the body in the right way can be removed. Our body will be out of danger. Let us handle all of life under the provisions of Allah, I am healthy, God achieve sanidhya.
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