What to do if the newborn jaundice?

Jaundice the terrible name. If it is on the back of your newly born child, then there is the distress calls. But do not be afraid of newborn jaundice.

Usually this problem is likely to be 50 percent of the newborn, especially boys, and it is a serious disease. A few days after the treatment, your child will recover.

If there's to know details about newborn jaundice

What is newborn jaundice?

Jaundice is a high level of bilirubin in the blood due to the presence of children. Bilirubin is a yellow tinge to the removal of red blood cells the body produces. The bilirubin from the body through the liver out of the mall. Due to rising levels of bilirubin in the blood of the baby's skin and sclera become yellow, and the result is newborn jaundice.

This is a very common disorder, especially in children who are born early (pre-tarama - before 34 weeks). The newborn's immature liver can not control levels of bilirubin in the blood stream. As a result of these problems.


Below are the cause of jaundice in children are as follows:

Sized blood abnormalities.

The presence of red blood cells in the blood.

Different types of infection.

Taking certain medications.

Sisatika fibrosis (cystic fibrosis) and hepatitis (hepatitis).

Haipaksiya or decreased oxygen levels in the body.

Newborn jaundice may be due to a variety of genetic disorders.


The following are common symptoms of the disease in people with doctors pana

The problem is the child's food intake.
The child began to feel uncomfortable.
Malls are changing the shape of the baby's size.
Right there is the shape of the navel.
Accumulation of fluid in the ear.
Sudden weight loss.
Decreased physical growth

Is risky

Jaundice in newborn babies before they are born in a certain period of time can increase the risk.

At birth bruise (bruija) is likely to be without jaundice of the newborn.

General inquiry

Newborn Jaundice is more, why?

Answer: Every man has the blood of bilirubin and removed from the body through the liver, or it goes out. During pregnancy the mother's liver removes bilirubin from the body or the child goes out. After the birth of their newborn's liver to remove bilirubin takes some time, because after the birth of newborn jaundice.

What can cause damage due to jaundice of the newborn?

Answer: In most cases, newborn jaundice is not harmful. Rarely can be seen that the levels of bilirubin in the baby's brain damage from bere has been attained. For this reason, the newly newborn jaundice and bilirubin will examine whether treatment should be to reduce the high levels.

Health Tips

Mother's milk is the drink is the best way to prevent newborn jaundice. Newborn baby in mother's milk that they drink milk should be 8-10 times a da
health tips

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