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Men want to be healthy? Bring a change of this 5-day meal!

The reality is that many people with their slim body in durbhabanaya. Some of the daytime "thin-Cracker", "carpet knight, etc. uneasy listening.

Whatever it may say, the body in order to understand whether there is a better way 'Body Mass Index' or the ratio of height and weight calculation. Accordingly, the less weight you need to look at the matter. The extra weight is dangerous for health as it could lead to additional ojanahinatao danger.

Sarirataya Home anemia may have a slim tie, may have trouble digesting. In addition, bone weakness, and concern for women at risk of pregnancy. As a result, if you need to increase the weight you can try to follow these six tips.

Healthy food

If you have to eat to increase the weight. Apakarai benefit more than happy to play it. Balanced nutritious meal. Protein, carbohydrate and fat intake should be proper coordination. Adequate protein for muscle development and weight gain is important to meet the demand. Different types of nuts, milk and diary foods will provide the body the necessary energy.

The amount of drink

If you increase the weight before the hunger will increase. To support digestive drink appetizer. Eat 6 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day. However, just before sitting down in the middle of drinking water, do not eat or drink water. The appetite is lost.

Eat less job lot

At the morning-noon-night heavy meals-they do not eat it again and again. Some heavy meals a day, three to five in the afternoon khaoyatai good. Nutritious food to selectively fill the stomach. Slim body repeatedly bhajapora job lot of fast food or eat more weight loss than to try to increase the gain.

Carbohydrates alert

People close to you may have a slim body at the cake-pestrisaha will encourage many more carbohydrates to eat. But be careful about excessive sugary food. Skini visceral fat, or fat that you can fall prey to. This fatty material which does not increase suddenly, but the body fat may lodge into the many important organs. I will eat carbohydrates selectively.

Start athletics

There is no alternative to exercise for good health. Why are not you in the light-patalai exercises also will be a great benefit. In order to fall asleep at night and waking up early in the morning practice, as there is no alternative.

Sariracarcatao so important. Regular exercise will increase your appetite. As a result, the general appetite to eat you can overcome recession. Sariracarcaya regularly clean your muscles and increase physical strength. You can benefit without a lot of practice yoga seat.

Give up smoking

The more you smoke, the more your appetite will increase further not longer a problem. Of course, a lot of smokers in the world are overweight and fat skin and bone and bone-thin crackers are a lot of smokers. But it is not good for the health of someone smoking. And after giving up smoking all the benefits that the growing hunger.
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