The color of urine indicate that about your health

Medical science from the beginning of human urine has been used as an important component of diagnosis. Urine color, density and flavor reveals some facts about your health. Urine is the body's liquid waste, which is mainly water, salt and urea, and uric acid, which consists of the chemical elements. Make it your kidneys filter the blood from toxic and bad elements.
Different things in your body, such as medicine, food and illness may affect urine. Urine color may vary from time to time. Sometimes it is and sometimes yellow or yellow color is transparent. Most people do not pay attention to the color of urine. This is an opportunity for your understanding about your physical condition, that each time you can take a look at your urine color. Your body's vital organs are working properly and basic health indicators are good urine.

Normal urine color is yellow. Iurokroma yellow pigment called because of the presence of hemoglobin, which is made of the destruction. If you get an abnormal urine color may be caused by a harmless, but it could be a sign of a disease. Let's learn more about the causes of urine color.

1. Urine transparent
You can clearly see this kind of urine and drink plenty of water can reduce water consumption to some extent. Diabetes and symptoms of this condition can be. In addition, increased thirst, frequent urination or left the doctor will be quick.

II. Pale yellow urine
This is the normal color of urine indicate that the levels in drinking water.

3. Dark yellow urine
It is also the color of urine, it indicates that you are suffering dihaidresane. Therefore, you should drink a little more water. Taking vitamin supplements such as vitamin B or ribophlabina much, but dark yellow urine color can be.

4. Dark urine as honey or lime
Gamra more colors and dark urine that signals serious dehydration. Lyaksetibha or laxative use or supplemental intakes of vitamin B complex also may be.

5. Orange urine
Greater amounts of beta-carotene intake may be the color of urine. If the carrot and mistialute. Small children can be seen in the urine of these vegetables to eat these kinds of whom were weaned. So parents, the child should be given a wide variety of foods. Riphampisina, daksorabisina, oyarapherina phenajopairidina and orange colored urine may be caused by the drugs. In some cases, the orange-colored urine may be caused by problems in the liver and bile.

6. Pink or red urine
A bit more of a dye or food intake may be the color of urine. Also kidney disease, urinary tract infections or tumors can also be red color of urine.

7. Blue or green urine
This is a very rare kind of pissed. If you are suffering from any serious problem, whether it is a primary indicator. Food dyes may also syadera urine blue or green color. Green is also the color of urine may be due to the presence of bacteria Pseudomonas mutranalite. Haiparakyalasemiya rare genetic disease called blue-colored urine may be.

8. Soapy urine
More like a dark cloud, and foamy urine protein intake may be. Despite the high-protein diet to follow is if you assume that it is this kind of urine symptoms of kidney disease. Urinary tract infection also can be vague and foamy urine. The women of the East, and there is a bacterial infection of this kind may be urine.

Naturally, there is the smell of urine so strong. Taking supplements of vitamin B-6 may change the flavor. If you smell ammonia in urine can be dihaidreteda. Contact your doctor if you see any kind of change in urine tests and accept the diagnosis and treatment.

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