To prevent oily skin is a magic trick

Sārā dina tēlatēlē haẏē thākā nārī-puruṣa anēkēra jan'ya'i ēkaṭi mārātmaka bibratakara samasyā. Tailākta tbaka dēkhatē tō khārāpa lāgē'i, āpanākē dēkhāẏa anēka kālō, rōdē pōṛā dāga bēśi bōjhā yāẏa ēbaṁ pracura brana ōṭhē.

Saba miliẏē sakalēra sāmanē saundaryēra abasthā śōcanīẏa. Dāmi phēsa'ōẏāśa'ō kamātē pārachē nā tbakēra tēlatēlē bhāba? Tāhalē dinēra śurutē karuna 2 miniṭēra ēkaṭi chōṭṭa kāja. Āra sārādina dēkhuna myājika. Ēkaṭu'ō tēlatēlē habē nā āpanāra tbaka, brana'ō thākabē dūrē.

Yā lāgabē
uṣṇa pāni, phēsa'ōẏāśa ō labaṇa

kī karabēna?
Dinēra śurutē'i mukha bhālō karē pariṣkāra karē nina. Rātē yadi ḍipa klina karē thākēna tbaka, tāhalē sakālē pariṣkāra karuna sādhāraṇa phēsa'ōẏāśa diẏē. Mukhē uṣṇa pānira jhāpaṭā dina. Tārapara phēsa'ōẏāśa lāgāna. Myāsāja karē dhuẏē tārapara sādhāraṇa pāni diẏē dhuẏē nina. Mukhē yēna sābāna lēgē nā thākē.

Ēbāra 1 maga hālakā uṣṇa pānira sāthē 1 cāmaca labaṇa ō lēbura rasa miśiẏē nina. Ē'i pāni diẏē mukhē dhuẏē phēluna bhālō karē pānira jhāpaṭā diẏē. Cōkha bandha rākhabēna, nāhalē cōkha jbalatē pārē. Labaṇa pāni diẏē mukha dhuẏē mukha bhālō karē muchē nina.

Yadi ciṭaciṭē bhāba bēśi manē haẏa, bā asbasti lāgē, tāhalē miniṭa daśēka para ṭhāṇḍā pāni diẏē mukha dhuẏē muchē nina. Manē rākhabēna, tailākta tbakēra jan'ya sādhāraṇa pānira badalē philṭāra karā pāni bā phuṭānō pāni byabahāra karā'i bhālō.

tailākta tbakē khuba bēśi prasādhanī byabahāra nā karā'i bhālō, ētē braṇēra samasyā bāṛē. Ōẏēṭa ṭisyu byabahāra karabēna nā tailākta tbakē, ētē tbakēra kṣati haẏa. Tailākta tbakē skrābāra byabahāra karabēna nā. Dinēra yē kōna samaẏa tbaka tailākta manē haẏē ṭisyu bā rumāla pānitē bhijiẏē sēṭā diẏē mukhē muchē nina. Suyōga pēlē baraṁ ghaṣē nina. Tbakēra bāṛati tēla niẏantraṇē thākabē.
Shiny throughout the day for many men and women have become a serious problem embarrassing. Oily skin is the bad easily view, shows you a lot of black, brown spots and plenty brana became more understood.In all of them, and the glory of the deplorable condition. Phesaoyasa expensive skin does not reduce the lubricity? At the beginning of the day two minutes and then a little work. See the magic all day. You do not need to be a little oily skin, there will be branao away.You need toWarm water, and salt phesaoyasaWhat to do?Be sure to clean the mouth at the beginning of better days. If you've been deep clean the skin at night, in the morning, then clear with common phesaoyasa. We felt the warm water in the face. Then apply phesaoyasa. Wash with water and then washed massage general. If the soap does not stick in the face.1 cup warm water 1 teaspoon of the salt and lemon juice light mix. Wash the face with water from a water spray. Remember to close your eyes, otherwise you can burn the eyes. Take a good face wash with water to remove salt.If the idea seems to be more viscous, or uncomfortable, then ten minutes later, washed with cold water to the face. Remember, for oily skin instead of water better to use filtered water or boiled water.TipsOily skin, do not use too much makeup, it leads to acne problem. Do not use baby wipes oily skin, the skin damage. Scrubbers Do not use oily skin. I have oily skin, tissue or any time of the day was to remove the handkerchief soaked in water in the face with it. If you get the chance to smudge it. Will be under the control of excess skin oil.
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