Vegetables will remove only 1 cancer, diabetes and many other health problems!health tips(মাত্র ১ টি সবজি দূর করবে ক্যান্সার, ডায়বেটিস ও অন্যান্য অনেক শারীরিক সমস্যা!)

Bitter gourd, but the flavors are very beneficial for health. Ucchya herbal times higher diabetes disease. Fever and inflammation of any part of the body if the diet is done. Besides, curry Ucchya bayubrddhite, Baten, liver and spleen, and skin diseases, diseases that benefit. It regularly plays fever, measles and reduces the risk of spring. Momordica charantia large and small, but did the same in terms of quality. Therefore, the use of herbal medicine is both together.

Batarakta: - in the case of four teaspoons of bitter gourd juice or momordica charantia leaves a little to warm the pure one-half teaspoon of butter is mixed with rice to eat.

Slesmajanita gall disease - a lot of bile, phlegm disorder is malarial fever. The main symptoms of the body cramps, thirst and vomiting; In this case Ucchya momordica charantia or one teaspoon of leaf juice mixed with a little warm or hot water 3 times a day for the rest of the play would reduce the incidence of fever and fever symptoms will go away.

In the case of worms or momordica charantia leaf juice powder Ucchya: 1 teaspoon of the elderly and children in the morning and in the evening when half a teaspoon mixed with a little water to drink.

Spleen disease being treated - on the face of the disease symptoms of irritation, nose-to-mouth breathing is hot, do not taste the mouth. Bhajapora salt to taste and taste more things we need to understand in this case, is being polluted streams and reservoirs raktabaha spleen is delirious. Momordica charantia or bitter gourd juice and two teaspoons of leaves at a quarter cup of warm water mixed with two or three times a day to eat. The difficulties of playing five or six days slowly go away.

Arthritis - Arthritis Symptoms in gall slesmajanita the new moon, full moon, and when Ekadashi hands, legs and waist, the pain is pain; Pain reliever pills to eat to live; When winter does not say, but a little less hot than when it is pain and suffering. In this case or momordica charantia leaf gourd juice mixed with 3 teaspoons of hot water a day, two times a day, and a few plays away at the problem.

Nausea disease: - According to the Vedic scriptures, the loss of bile, phlegm disorder is not a disease. In this case, one teaspoon of fruit juice in the morning and in the afternoon they played the fault goes away.

Raktapitta: - those with the fresh blood into the toilet without any irritation-torture, but in the case of hemorrhoids, blood, bile, there is for sure that you have. The gourd is to eat 3 times a day with or 810ta High flowers. Baidyara old flower eat half a teaspoon juice was provided.

Indigestion - with the exception of the seed shells and strain the juice every morning and evening, playing a little hot indigestion disease can be cured.

Allergies: - in the case of fruit juice teaspoon to eat during the day.

He wound - wine by the side that does not want anything to dry the whole plant dry powder sprinkled on the flesh boiled and washed with water to give the tree a few days if it is dry.

Migraine headaches - a bit of leaf juice ragare nyakaraya he lay in pain on the left you will notice the nose ring rasata a few minutes the pain resolves.

Lack of vitamin - the dried ripe seeds of bitter gourd High every day or almost 1 teaspoon (3/4 g) 7/8 teaspoon creamy bete chamkanite tea mixed with water and strain the water to eat once a day. It needs to be. This older generation B-complex vitamin.

Vomiting in children - three bitter gourd seeds and three black pepper powder mixed with a little water to stop playing the baby vomiting.

Mutrakrcchrata (being pissed off): - 10 tsp juice of bitter gourd leaves little hinsaha played disease in Surrey.

Arsba: - Ucchya one teaspoon of leaves or fruit juice and a little sugar from the blood arsba play was stopped.

Skin - leaves bitter gourd juice when massaging the skin disease in Surrey. Without it, the juice is beneficial for dry skin. If itching to crush roots and phusakumrite Surrey.

Diabetes: Diabetes stamp Ucch

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