Meditation to reduce stress(health tips)

There is no stress. Many of the people who can deal with the pressure namanasika stress affect the body, causes various diseases. Or try to reduce the negative effects of stress can cope. Yoga and meditation can also help you.

Caused us some stress hormones within the body, such as automatic kartisola and the adrenalin is secreted in large amounts. The immediate reaction of some of these hormones in the body due to emissions hayayemana increases blood pressure, pulse faster, faster breathing, sweating and Yoga thakemeditesana to be done just the opposite. The condition of the body and the mind to relax and focus on a particular topic or word, or the surrounding environment, and is trying to isolate myself from thinking.

The specific rules for the special gesture to asanacarca. These regular carcayasbasa and reduced pulsation, blood pressure is stable, the body of oxygen, using the sweat is less. In addition, the adrenal glands secrete hormones in small quantities kartisola, increased disease resistance. And the concentration of power leads to clear thinking. Anxiety, insomnia can get rid of. If you meditate regularly, smoking, drug addiction, it is easy to give up bad habits like.
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